

It's HERE! I am finally going to begin blogging again, and this is the start. If you are like me and want to watch something that captures the elation that you are feeling right now, don't scour the internet cause you won't be able to find anything. Instead, watch the launch of some Missile to Mars.

Ok. Now down to business.

I really wanted to come back to blogging. I used to keep a blog on MSN Spaces but it fizzled when I stopped putting effort into it. I was more about trying to make it look cool and feel good when you checked it out so that people would check it out. I've changed a bit. The best times that I had blogging were times that discussion arose, opinions were given, and responses were written. In a way, I want to get back to that. Maybe no one will read this thing and I will end up having discussions with myself. If that happens I'll get really good at self-criticism I guess. The coolest thing that could happen would be you, my readers, and me having open discussions about all kinds of topics that provoke deeper thought. I want us to struggle with hard questions and strengthen each other.

I am a Christian. That fact is going to permeate everything I write. I have a unique history, a unique mind and a set of beliefs that makes me view the world in way that no one else can. Open discussion means being honest about where you are coming from so that you can get a better picture about who you are. Maybe none of that makes any sense. What I am trying to say is only I can be "me" and, following that, I can't be anyone else. My goal is discussion, and the only way that I can know your point of view is if you express it. So, do it!

One last thing. I want to explain the title of my blog. The old title of this blog was "Much about Matt," but I didn't really tell you much about me, so I scrapped that. Then, just recently, I gave my blog the working title of "Attempting to Lose it All." This comes from Matthew 16:25 where Jesus says, "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." That is a goal of mine, but I don't want to have a "lofty" goal define my life struggle. Everyone lives day by day not by momentous achievements. That's why I've finally settled on "Traversing the Path." Life is a journey and hopefully I can share some of my journey with you through this blog. And maybe, you can share some of yours with me too.


Anonymous said...

Hm. I decided to check in to this blog at the time you decided to launch it, just to see if you would be on schedule. Bravo! You've accomplished important feat #1.

I'll be more than willing to contribute to comments, questions, discussions as I can.

Right now what's on my mind are questions surrounding what causes decay in Christian community, what heals the same, how you prevent stagnation, what are realistic expectations surrounding the same. . . this will probably colour my input to discussion.

In other news, this whole blog-outside-of-the-realm-of-msn thing is very appealing...

Anonymous said...

well, i must say matt, your blogs may not have been the most controversial, but they definitely did inspire a plethora (dictionary word of the day!) of branch-offs and whatnot (ie the relationship blog... which i'm pretty sure EVERYONE i know, including me, decided to write on)... here's hoping that the branch-offs continue and that your ideas are as good as ever!

Anonymous said...

So....I'd be lying BIG time if I said this was the first time I checked out your blog. I'd like to know:
~ Why are people afraid to let their true colours show?
~ Why are people afraid to try new things?
~ Why does your nose get runny when it's cold outside?
~ How would YOU make green eggs and ham??????

Looking forward to lots of laughs and thought provoking ideas. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey matt I'll check out your blog!!
So no worries about conversations with yourself, I'll be on the other side from time to time. Good idea to just let you be you. I'd like to let me be me, but who the heck is that? How do I figure it out?